Catheryne Dahlke is a talented acupuncturist and healer serving the local community of Whitby. She offers drug-free solutions to chronic or acute Pain, as well as wellness programs to resolve PMS, obesity, allergies, etc. Catheryne combines the ancient practice of acupuncture with modern technology. She uses laser and photonic light therapy to reduce inflammation and pain. Some people experience complete resolution of decades-long chronic pain in as little as eight treatments. She also uses a computerized imaging system to analyze and document the energetic status of your acupuncture meridians.
In Her Own Words…
The first 30 years of my life were marked by multiple illnesses. Epilepsy, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, hypersensitivity to fragrances and loud noises, aphasia, difficulty maintaining weight, insomnia, throat and lung infections. Then my fingers and hands became achy and I realized that arthritis was setting in. This was no way to live! That’s when I decided to do whatever I could to resolve my health challenges with natural therapies.
Today, I am healthy, with none of the above conditions. The quality of my life and health improved immeasurably — I have energy, vitality, a zest for living. Illness and disease are not the inevitable results of aging or bad genes or bad luck. I am living proof of that. I became a healer to guide people back to wellness. It is deeply satisfying work. My promise to you is that I will apply my passion for natural health to your situation, to help you find your own unique path to wellness.
Book an appointment today with Catheryne Dahlke, Certified Acupuncture Health Practitioner.
Find out how she can help you with various physical ailments through acupuncture and/or light therapy to promote healing.
She also provides acupuncture for Smoking Cessation, Facial Rejuvenation and Weight loss programs.
A full line of skin care products will be available soon………………….